Monday, November 14, 2011

My Name

 The name Tyra is Swedish, said tee-rah, said like the way you would pronounce Tyr, that god of war, but then with an a at the end. Tyra means battler, warrior. I guess my name sort of fits me, but I'm not that violent. Also, I'm quirky and...different. I have many different personalities, depending on who I'm with, just like how my name is pronounced or written differently by many different people. My parents didn't know about Tyra Banks when they named me because she wasn't that popular yet, and I am forever correcting people on the pronunciation of my name. I don't really have a nickname, but my aunts and uncles sometimes call me Teezeranne, strangely combining my first and middle name, Zanne. My middle name isn't actually a name, but just my mom's thinkings of liking the name Anne and the letter Z. I got the last name Draper because the king's drapers lost favor with the king. He needed new drapers and some of my ancestors filled the position.
 My parents were thinking about naming me Hannah, but when one of my grandmas remarked about how happy she was that she could help them choose the name Hannah, they decided to not name me that because they didn't want to keep hearing about how she helped name me. I think Hannah would've been a good name, but I'm not sure if I have one name that I really love and wish I had been named. I used to love the name Jane, but when it became my littlest sister's middle name, the name Jane lost it's appeal. I don't really have any favorite boys names. If I had been a boy, my name would have been Thomas, after my dad and grandpa. It's sort of a tradition to name the first son Thomas.
 I don't really think that I would be different with a different name because people come to think of your personality when they hear your name. Even if I had been named something else, say, Beatrice, then the name would stretch to fit my personality, or produce a nickname that better suits me.

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